Saturday, October 02, 2010

My First Article

Last week I reviewed a bar for The Argentina Independent's coverage on the Government's list of historic bars in Buenos Aires. Apparently there are 54. I reviewed number 23, which I chose based on the name alone - 'El Tokio.' However I discovered that this bar was so far out that even the extensive BA buses don't go there. I also discovered that there was nothing more behind the name than the mere cross roads.

But all was not lost as I met a local celebrity whilst sipping on my coffee! There was mass hysteria in the bar; all five of the 60 year old patrons narrowly avoided heart-attacks. Click here to see how the exciting events unfolded.

1 comment:

Emily said...

me gusta mucho raquelita. muy MUY bien. ya like that? uhuh that's spanish. looking forward to the next post.