Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Misión Adentro

So, the Chilean Miners have been rescued, and one week on, their lovers and wives who all turned up at the disaster site, haven't yet broken out into war.

On 12th October the world watched on, captivated by the miracle rescue of the 33 Miners who have been trapped underground for over three months. Across the globe, people stayed up to watch the 24 hour live television coverage. Outside the Chilean embassy in Washington D.C. a wide screen TV was set up in anticipation of a large audience. Of course, no one risked showing up.

But down South in Chile, champagne was popped and pinatas were cracked. Any excuse for a fiesta.

All in all it was a joyous occasion, a great ray of hope shining through the many disasters that populate the bleak pages of the news.

However the most illuminating story of all was one I found in a Venezuelan Newspaper. 'If the Miners were Here':

In Ecuador, President Rafael Correa would have jumped in the mine right behind the others,"I defy all those that try to stop me." he would announce holding back the rescue mission. "I will leave this mine a president, or a dead body."

In Venezuela the rescue would be titled, Misión Mino Adentro*, another one of Chavez's mission 'adentro' pet political projects. Still no one has actually made it inside.

In Bolivia the title simply would have been, "Mission: The first to leave."

*Mission inside the Mine

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